Be Content

It’s 11:02 pm at night and I just finished watching the 2014 movie, Mom’s Night Out. After a long day at school, I watched the movie just so I could unwind and relax. Little did I know that I was going to leave with a profound message. A group of moms are so burnt out with their motherly duties such that they decide to go out one night to have a good time. The night turns out to be full of adventure and lessons too. My main takeaway was that you can’t stop being a mom. It’s a 24hr job. But, you do need to carve out time to take care of YOURSELF. When they went out, one of the ladies went a bit overboard by seizing everyone’s phones and asking them to unplug because they were basically “off duty”. Even after all that, they had to resume mom duty so they could find one of the mom’s infant.

It reminded me of my own life, how I think that once I get my dream job and make good money I’ll be extremely happy. This evening, I learnt that this thinking of mine is FALSE. The question is  “How will I choose to live every day of my life with what I have and my current status?” Oh, and I know my answer. It’s quite simple – be content and make the most of what I have. Paul in Philippians 4:12 says, “I have learnt the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.” In college, I thought that once I went to school for my Masters, I would love doing homework or reading articles, just because I loved the field of study I was pursuing. Now, as a grad student, I must say that this is not the case. Sometimes I wake up and don’t want to do any readings because they are not that exciting or I’m simply tired.

I don’t know why it’s taken me so long to figure this vital truth out- You will not be happy when you get that one thing. You’ll just keep wanting more things and be dissatisfied with life. Rather, live life to the fullest with what you have. See the joy in the “little” things and you’ll be amazed at how your perspective on life will change.

Goodnight everyone :)

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