This Week’s Happenings – Caring for Yourself, Others & Being Adventurous

aleksandr-eremin-QfHmrIUN9G0-unsplashI still can’t believe it’s mid July already. This year has flown by! Here’s a recap of my week and some discoveries I made. It’s based on caring for yourself and others-

  • Take Care of Yourself
  • Be Kind
  • Pick Up the Phone
  • Try New Veggies

Take Care of Yourself

On Thursday, I felt some pain in my left wrist. This was a new feeling for me. After talking to my husband about it, he suspected it might be from typing. He recommended that I get a keyboard wrist rest, which I ordered on Etsy. I didn’t even know those things existed. I’d seen one before in the computer lab at school but didn’t realize their purpose. Now, I get it.

Why am I sharing this with you?  Take preventive measures to ensure proper health of your wrist, a body part we don’t give frequent attention to.

Which body part do you need to show some tender loving care (TLC) to?

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Start Where You Are

BloomBig Disclaimer: These questions are meant to help you engage in deep introspection, and not to make you feel bad. This is also my attempt to preach to myself. 

After all, Plato reminds us that “the unexamined life is not worth living.”

Have you read all the books on your shelf? If not, why are you still buying or borrowing new books from the library?

Can you handle the small apartment you have? Are you maintaining it well? If not, what makes you think you can keep a big home, with a nice backyard?

Have you read all the books on your bookshelf? If you have, are you implementing all that you have learned from them?

Have you tapped into the full potential of your degree? Then, why are you trying to incur more debt with another degree? I’m amazed at some high-level positions people can attract with just a bachelors degree.

How about the tasks God has placed on your heart? Have you started working on them or completed them? Then why do you keep asking Him to use you for more assignments? On countless occasions, He’s told you about the ministries and projects He wants you to work on but you haven’t even touched them. It’s always one excuse after the other. Do you seriously think He’ll give you another assignment when you haven’t even begun the one He gave you last year?

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